The harder you work, the luckier you get. Knowledge is power. You’ve heard these clichés over and over again, and now they will help you sell better, sell smarter, and sell more successfully. Whether it’s Cliché No. 10: Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle, with its eleven steps to a better presentation, or Cliché No. 2: Never take no for an answer, these are the fundamentals for sales success. From the sales process to preparation to follow-through, every page offers invaluable lessons about organization, attitude, tenacity, customer service, listening, and presentation techniques. Written by sales guru and best-selling author Barry Farber, The 12 Clichés of Selling [And Why They Work] is filled with time-tested advice and anecdotes from the most successful salespeople and entrepreneurs in the business.
“Selling Made Easy’ – that should be the title of Barry Farber’s book! It’s a short course in sales genius.” – Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times bestseller’s Swim with the Sharks and Pushing the Envelope.