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How important do you think your attitude is to the sale? And I’m not just talking about a positive attitude alone. I’m talking about a presence that’s fired up with enthusiasm and passion for what you do. It’s having the physical and mental energy to keep on going after many people would give up and go home. It’s how you move, how you approach another person, it’s in your handshake and how you stand and face the person. Your energy can make or break the sales call.

When you call on a customer with energy and enthusiasm, it means that you believe in your product or service, and are excited about what you have to offer your customer. This isn’t bravado; a sincere belief in yourself and your product can’t be faked. You don’t have to take my word for it; these are comments from real customers:

  • “A sales person needs to stimulate me into buying his products. He needs some energy, some enthusiasm, some pizzazz.”
  • “My favorite rep is incredibly energetic and enthusiastic. She does her job really well and she makes me feel good at the same time.”

Here are some key points to keep in mind about the correlation between energy and your overall success:

  • Energy = motivation: William Clements, the former governor of Texas, told me, “Energy is the secret to everything. You can be a person of great integrity, character and all these other wonderful things, but if you don’t really put your shoulder to the wheel, so to speak, and start pushing, you’re not going to get to first base.”
  • Top sellers are pro-active, not reactive: When you look at high achievers in any field, the first thing you’ll notice is their high energy. They are pro-active personalities; these people make things happen instead of sitting back and waiting for things to happen to them. They have a positive attitude–based on a belief in themselves and their abilities–which keeps them going even when they encounter rejection and setbacks.

If you’re wondering how you can maintain your positive attitude, try these energy action steps:

  1. Appreciate the good. We need to remind ourselves to focus on the positive. Sometimes we get so bogged down by the things that are “wrong” in our lives that we forget to be grateful for the things we have that are right. Every so often, take a step back and look at everything you’ve achieved so far. Celebrate how far you’ve come, without worrying about how much there still is to do. As the late, great Earl Nightingale said, “We become what we think about all day long.”
  2. Increase your physical activity level. Physical activity–whether it’s a sport, a workout at the gym or a brisk walk around the block–revitalizes and regenerates us in body and mind.
  3. Fish for compliments. When you feel like your attitude needs a check up from the neck up, and all else has failed, call some of your satisfied customers to hear their positive comments about their experience. This not only keeps you pumped but keeps the relationship strong by staying in touch.

Energy, enthusiasm and a positive attitude can go a long way in forging long-lasting customer relationships. We sometimes underestimate the power of our attitudes and energy level when making sales calls. And your customers appreciate your positive approach more than you realize.

Barry Farber consults with a variety of industries to help them grow and
expand their business.
He is the best-selling author of 11 books on sales, management and customer
service. His latest release “Diamond in the Rough” CD program is based on
his best selling book, radio and television show.
Visit him at: or email him at: